And our future depends on how we use these opportunities. Profits from World War II helped the United States finally overcome the Great Depression and become the largest economy in the world, and to impose on the planet the power of the dollar as a global reserve currency. Using the resource of the president grants and other programs that we have available, we will continue supporting our education and art, different areas of art, modern and traditional, classic. I am afraid they would rather use other formulas they are more comfortable with. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: By their fruits ye shall know them. These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself. Behind the choice of millions of residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, is our common destiny and thousand-year history. And we will do this. Sign up here. The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. In this regard, dear colleagues, a little philosophical aside, Id like to mention, specifically, that we remember what problems and imbalances late Soviet economy had to face, and we remember the chaos of the 90s, and the country started to create a new economy based on market relations. It is worth reminding the West that it began its colonial policy back in the Middle Ages, followed by the worldwide slave trade, the genocide of Indian tribes in America, the plunder of India and Africa, the wars of England and France against China, as a result of which it was forced to open its ports to the opium trade. (01:38:36) The so-called childrens budget has grown not just by certain percentages, its grown several times. You and I have simply not been given any other opportunity to protect Russia and our people, except the one we will have to us today. I would like to also talk about support for families. Today, we need a consolidated society, and this consolidation can only be based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. They publicly recognize this without shying away. Anglican Church is planning to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God. The truth has been drowned in an ocean of myths, illusions and fakes, using extremely aggressive propaganda, lying like Goebbels. With this, the flow of money to finance the war is not stopping. And how much steel! They started the war and we used the force in order to stop it. Participation of teachers and scientists, scholars, we have to use that participation in order to create the courses for literature and geography, so that the young generation is able to learn as much as possible about our history. They brazenly divide the world into their vassals the so-called civilised countries and all the rest, who, according to the designs of todays Western racists, should be added to the list of barbarians and savages. The following is The Spectators translation of Putins speech for victory day 2022. Sometimes it is beautifully wrapped sometimes there is no wrapping at all but the gist is the same the law of the fist. Republicans Remarks About Putin Stun CPAC 2023 Audience. WebThe Crimean speech of Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly of Russia on 18 March 2014 The 2014 Valdai speech of Vladimir Putin in Sochi on 24 October 2014 The 2015 U. N. The ballots have been counted and the results have been announced. 01/10/23, No Place for Sovereign Russia in Western Min 01/10/23, Russia Calls into Question US Management of UN Hea 11/26/22, US Threatens Russias Traditional Values 11/09/22, White Russias Revival Explained by Putin 11/04/22, "The European Union as a Union is a Thing of the P 10/16/22, A View from the Quintessential Washington Insider 10/10/22, Full Text of Vladimir Putins Speech 09/30/22, Ukraine, EUs Dictatorship and Change of Global 09/24/22, Serbian Interior Minister A. Vulin: Foreign Spies 07/24/22, The Scuttling of Peace in Europe 07/01/22, Transnistria Explained from the Russian Side 04/24/22, The Great Russian Restoration: The Military Establ 04/16/22, Russia Is Regaining Its Sovereignty Thanks to the 04/16/22, Who is Taking Control of Russian Counter-Sanctions 03/10/22, Thats the Way to Fight Back! (01:23:55) They provoked a growth of prices in their own countries, closures of factories, collapse of energy sector. Behind these words stands a glorious spiritual choice, which, for more than a thousand years of Russian statehood, was followed by many generations of our ancestors. We talked about priorities that we have to focus on obtaining very specific and concrete scientific results, especially in the areas that are critical to our future development, including transport, energy, utilities, medicine, agriculture, industry. Such attempts were made during the Time of Troubles in the 17th century and in the period of ordeals after the 1917 revolution. We feel that this is long overdue. Our values are humanity, mercy and compassion. Its spirit is my spirit; its destiny is my destiny; its suffering is my grief; and its prosperity is my joy.. After the military coup in 2014, we decided to conduct a special military operation. The Americans provided vital explosives and gunpowder. Its goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years. (38:52) They have already moved on to the radical denial of moral, religious, and family values. And what was it doing. (01:27:04) We need to work through all aspects. You made your choice despite the threats of terror the Nazis, even though next to you there were military actions taking place and you made the choice to be together with Russia, to be together with your motherland. They understand the meaning of it. Get a weekly digest of the weeks most important transcripts in your inbox. If this does not happen, I cannot rule out that they will try to trigger a collapse of the entire system, and blame everything on that, or, God forbid, decide to use the old formula of economic growth through war. Third, is an important point on the agenda, is the new sources of financing and investment. The West managed to grab hold of Russias wealth only in the late 20th century, when the state had been destroyed. Our citizens need to have new opportunities for professional growth and professional education. So this statement that Russia is halting, putting a stop on its participation in the strategic weapons control agreement. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, This year, the international community celebrates two, without exaggeration, historic anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and establishment of the United Nations. Where did that come from anyway? There is nothing new in this: deep down, the Western elites have remained the same colonisers. New centres of power are emerging. Speaking nearly one year after ordering an Section 107, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. There are historic changes that determine the future of our country and our people. Everyone needs to understand that the sources of wealth in the future should be only here in Russia. The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Everything is repeating. California Weighs $360,000 in Reparations to Eligible Black Residents. Also, I would like to propose the tax deduction for costs in relation to childrens education from 50 to 150 rubles and medical costs to 130,000 rubles. And as if nothing had happened, and they even told us how much money they spent on it. Russia will respond to any challenges because we are all a single country. We all know that Ukraine was simply used to reduce their population as well, hoping to break Russia and steel all their raw materials and drive both the Russians and Ukrainean people into slavery. Starting from this year, Russian companies will be able to lower their tax burden if they are purchasing domestic IT solutions, and these costs will be accounted at the rate of 1.5. We began and we will continue our program of social restoration of these territories, and the idea is to bring back the factories and the industry and we will create access to our internal sea. They are exporting grain from Ukraine now. The project anti-Russia is a revolutionist policy against our country. Most states refuse to snap a salute and instead choose the sensible path of cooperation with Russia. They do not want or need Russia, but we do. 19:15. President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. The Speech In Which Putin Told Us Who He Was. And Im asking the government, together with the regions, to prepare a list of those facilities where harmful discharges will be liquidated at the end of this program. Many people had reasons to hate the communist Russian regimes from Stalin regime. And I would like to speed up the consideration of this law. They see our thought and our philosophy as a direct threat. The world has entered a period of a fundamental, revolutionary transformation. The finalists of these competitions, some of them went to as volunteers to work on the frontline or work on the development of these new regions restoring them. And you should not try lie to everyone. At the basis of new technologies, theres always fundamental sciences. That is why the choice of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson makes them so furiously angry. And following that, our relationships went to such a level where US and Soviet Union stated they were no longer considering each other enemies. Theyre trying to pretend this did not happen, but nobody forgot that. The Russian agriculture sector harvested a record crop of 150 million ton of wheat. Thanks to our strong balance, we do not have to ask for money abroad. This year we will be doing this in Donetsk and Lugansk and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. In 2025, federal money will be provided to the repairs of kindergarten schools and professional colleges. What they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. As for tax systems for Russian families, starting from last year, families with two or more children are freed from tax on sale of property. Also, we are creating this legal basis for purchasing of new vehicles for the health care. We are hoping that the government together with authorities will be very consistent in their work. I would like to emphasize that it was before the special military operation they were negotiating the supply of heavy military equipment and planes and anti-aircraft defense systems. Our proposed to double this figure when we talk about investing in private pension funds to the tune of 2.8 million rubles. What, if not racism, is the Wests dogmatic conviction that its civilisation and neoliberal culture is an indisputable model for the entire world to follow? Everything I am saying is important. We are confident in our power. But there were also specific actions, expansion of NATO to our borders, creation of new anti-rocket defense systems in Europe, and developing military contingents on the borders of Russia. Among volunteers who are on the frontline, there are members of State Duma and regional parliaments, representatives of various power levels, representatives of municipalities, all parliamentary parties, all of them participating in creating the support for the frontline. In addition to this, we also provided 50 billion rubles which are aimed at improving public transportation in the subjects of the Russian Federation using latest technology. We will always remember the heroes of the Russian Spring, those who refused to accept the neo-Nazi coup dtat in Ukraine in 2014, all those who died for the right to speak their native language, to preserve their culture, traditions and religion, and for the very right to live. We were very open and we were sincerely open for a dialogue with the West, and we were insisting on Europe and the rest of the world to have an equal system of defense and ecosystem of security. We remember. Do we want our schools to impose on our children, from their earliest days in school, perversions that lead to degradation and extinction? Would love your thoughts, please comment. You cant feed them with those pieces of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalisation of western social media companies cant heat their homes. Indeed, everything possible in order to resolve this problem in a peaceful way. (59:52) And they continue supplying means to provide coups in other countries. This is a very visible program. And they have to become people in demand, both in the military and in the civil sector. More cheating and naked deception again. So they started the vaccine murders and now the Russia Ukraine war. New Delhi: In a televised address Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he was launching a special military operation in Ukraine to protect And in December 2021, we officially directed to the U.S. and to Europe our request for guarantees for security. This was achieved by creating a strong centralised state in Russia, which grew and got stronger based on the great moral valuesof Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, as well as Russian culture and the Russian word that were open to all. The same thing is happening now. Now, as of sea, we will create the new highway to Crimea and connect it to the rest of Russia. Id like to point out that this is not a money printing policy. The dictates of the US are backed up by crude force, on the law of the fist. You remember that during pandemics we were providing support to other European countries, Italy and other countries, those who had the most difficult times. Some people want to live until the end of their life in an arrested palace with arrested account somewhere abroad. As I have already said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. History keeps repeating. They just assumed it. I want the Kiev authorities and their true handlers in the West to hear me now, and I want everyone to remember this: the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye have become our citizens, forever. In terms of housing market, we built around 100 million square meters of new housing and agriculture has also seen a great success. Speech-to-Text live streaming for live captions, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition API. What is unacceptable is that US started to restructure this only according to their own needs. Edelweiss is a name of a Nazi German unit, and they have very popular chevrons on their uniform with the German Nazi insignia. The taxed system has to be comprehensive and it has to be approached with a very creative, with a very creative spirit. This is extremely important. We talked at the council of our education. Of decades, they were destroying Ukrainian industry and robbing the country. Remember that pre-pandemic, we had 4.7% unemployment, now its what, 3.7? Whats also important is that the economic drop was only registered in the second quarter. There is nothing stronger than their determination to return to their true historical homeland. And that means they want to use anything. I would like to reiterate opportunities, not problems. Of course, we do not need to hurry and compromise the quality of construction for this infrastructure project. Add English on-screen subtitles for videos. Kievs current authorities should respect this free expression of the peoples will; there is no other way. The Peoples Republic of Donbas appealed to Russia for help. People going to the front line are taking these letters from the children because they know that these are sincere words and they understand why theyre fighting, who theyre protecting. However, I would like to emphasize that we need to take into account the conditions in which our large business was developing, technologies where Western cheaper money supply was in the west, and naturally, capital started to flow there as well. (11:20) And private initiative played a key role in here, small and medium-sized business. (01:20:04) (06:43) We know that the West is directly linked to the attempts of Kyiv regime to attack our strategic aviation basis. This transition to the new system should not be sharp, it has to be a steady transition. The Best Speech-to-Text Solution for Your Business Learn how Rev fits into your businesses workflow. But it doesnt matter now. And after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they have been constantly trying to reiterate their global dominance. Good afternoon. Here, we are proposing the following: First, we need to come back to the traditional basic training in the field of higher education with The course length would be from four to six years. Here are seven key points and accusations from the speech. Who has ever seen these rules? We are expanding our potential of treating the waste so that we have a close cycle waste treatment systems. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the West decided that the world and all of us would permanently accede to its dictates. The main criteria is visible results in terms of accessibility of health care and quality of health care. Dear colleagues, as I mentioned, the west has begun not just the military and information, but also an economic aggression, but they have not achieved success in either of these areas and they wont achieve success there. And this was the case forever. This evasive word migrates from one strategy to another but really only means one thing undermining any and all sovereign centres of power. And we see great growth of internal demand, domestic demand, and we have increased the production of the products that are in most demand and we were able to fill in the niche that was freed for us by western companies. Actually, Russia no longer needs it today; this isnt our ambition. Now too, during the referendums, the Kiev regime threatened schoolteachers, women who worked in election commissions with reprisals and death. A few words about whats going on around us: Dear colleagues, Id like to highlight another area. The first agreement on restricting strategic weapons was signed in 1991 with the US. It is for this, for our ancestors, for the future of our children and grandchildren in order to restore historic justice.
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