9:710, 19, 26). The views expressed . 14:34), awful hell (1 Ne. 6:8). You quoted a website (Wikipedia) which is not doctrine and another website (FAIRMormon) which directly says it is not doctrine. Which means that really, no one knows anything about this. 12:22; Morm. the man was silent (Matt 22:12); therefore, the king said: "Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In short, Outer Darkness is eternal torture. A) Never had a body B) Did evil things in this world C) Never joined the LDS Church D) All of the above are true. The extent of this punishment none will ever know except those who partake of it. The Plan of Salvation kind of negates the reason for missionary work. You not only need to have been a Mormon, but you have to have full knowledge that this is the restored church of God and still fought against it. The term second death refers to spiritual death or separation from God. Making the LDS Church Slightly Better: A Members Wish List. And now I say unto you, that mercy hath no claim on that man; therefore his final doom is to endure a never-ending torment (Mosiah 2:3839). And now behold, I say unto you then cometh a death, even a second death, which is a spiritual death; then is a time that whosoever dieth in his sins, as to a temporal death, shall also die a spiritual death; yea, he shall die as to things pertaining unto righteousness. Following this introduction will be a discussion of the usage of these termsfirst in the New Testament, then in the Book of Mormon. So we can clearly state no women are Sons of Perdition in outer darkness. After the millennium, after the last great battle between the forces of God and the forces of Satan, Satan and his followers will be cast into Outer Darkness. It is true that the only mortals who had once been members are eligible to become sons of perdition, a fact that may worry some former Mormons who wonder if they might be destined for outer darkness. They will not have access to the Holy Ghost or Heavenly Father or Jesus. A representation of the tree degrees of glory and outer darkness. He stated that converts made by the Pharisees became twofold more the child of hell than their teachers (Matt. (1) We believe in trimming our wicks to 1/4 between each burn. Making the LDS Church Slightly Better: A Members Wish List, You continue to fight against the true church, Those spirits who rebelled against God in the preexistence are the original sons of perdition. New Testament [ edit] The apostle John saw the final judgment and wrote of the destiny of the wicked: And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Everyone is already going to the terrestrial kingdom by default. In Christianity, the "exterior darkness" or outer darkness is a place referred to three times in the Gospel of Matthew (8:12, 22:13, and 25:30) into which a person may be "cast out", and where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth". But Mormons do not believe that just because a Prophet said it, that it makes it true. As used in the New Testament, hell is an English word which is translated from two Greek words: hades (used ten times) and geenna (twelve times). ( Miracle of Forgiveness 129-30) The Lord Will Judge For persons not to receive forgiveness neither in this world nor in the world to come does not mean that they will be cast into outer darkness, for the sin of murder can be pardoned even though it is unforgivable. Banishment from the joys of heaven. The New Testament testifies that there is an actual place identified as hell into which people can be cast, as in the case of the wicked, and from which they can lift up their eyes, as in the case of the rich man, and from which they can be delivered, as in the case of King David. The first example would be spirits from the preexistence who sided with Lucifer rather than Jesus at the Council in Heavenwhere it was decided who would become the Savior of the World. On the day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter spoke of the promise David had received that his soul would not be left in hell (Acts 2:27). About 74 B.C. 8 - 14 are for safety. They are the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, the telestial kingdom, and outer darkness. 9:16; emphasis added). Nephis commentary to his brothers concerning his fathers dream of the tree of life adds interesting insight into the possible meaning of the great gulf Jesus referred to: And I said unto them that it was an awful gulf, which separated the wicked from the tree of life, and also from the saints of God. Woman must atone for sins committed by the volition of her own choice, but she will never become an angel to the devil, and sin so far as to place herself beyond the reach of mercy. Brigham Young Discourse delivered October 8, 1861, pp. The conclusion: You (former Mormon), despite being baptized into this church, are not a son of perdition! Meanwhile, I have known many who could be considered fighters against the church, including those who became involved in what could be considered anti-Mormon activities. ). We found these portrayals to be highly inaccurate. Wilford Woodruff in a meeting with the apostles, 1893 D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (Salt Lake City, Utah: Signature Books, 1997) p. 795. . In Christianity, it is understood that anyone who denies the holy spirit goes to outer darkness, but they see it as a synonym for Hell. In the Book of Mormon the phrase lake of fire and brimstone is used as a metaphor for the suffering that awaits the wicked. Mormonism. Brigham Young University Sons of perdition include (1) those who followed Satan and were cast out of heaven for rebellion during premortality and (2) those who were permitted to be born to this world with physical bodies but then served Satan and turned utterly against God. It is simply his opinion. [2] For a discussion of the New Testament words that translate hell, see The Oxford Companion to the Bible, ed. It is the closest Mormon analogy to the concept of hell in most other Christian traditions. ", Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Outer_darkness&oldid=1136269337, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 15:14. . It also teaches that the Atonement ransoms humankind from physical death through the resurrection and from spiritual death, or hell, through repentance. . 1:18). See Michael Hicks, Joseph Smith, W.W. Phelps, and the Poetic Paraphrase of The Vision, Journal of Mormon History 20 (Fall 1994) 2: 63-84 for discussion of authorship of this poem.). Both Luther, who taught soul sleep till the resurrection of the dead, and Calvin, who taught the immortal soul, considered the "outer darkness" references in Matthew to refer to the last judgment. Johns announcement of death and hell releasing their dead for judgment is augmented by the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob, who taught the same doctrine but provided significantly more detail. Italics in original). He wrote. I did cite sources spoken from the pulpit by a prophet. So, in conclusion, I would have a hard time believing that you or billions of souls as you put will qualify for perdition even while taking Mormon beliefs into account. It's not as simple as you make it out to be. This is serving Satan. 8:1112). Whether Christians have believed hell to be literal or figurative, the New Testament metaphor of an unquenchable lake of fire has conjured up for believers in the Bible harsh images of souls consigned to never-ending punishment as recompense for their evil deeds done while on earth. It clarifies how using an obscure quote does not define LDS doctrines or dogmas. King Benjamin and Alma also use the word as to preface their reference to a lake of fire and brimstone (see Mosiah 3:27; Alma 12:17). ABCs of Science and Mormonism now available in Print from Amazon! Your generous support makes the work of MRM possible. Ah yes, well with clarity like that, why would Jeremy ever doubt them and ask for official sources! John did not define the second death other than to make it synonymous with the lake of fire and brimstone that awaits the wicked. (You are not one of those spirits since you have a mortal body.). Hence, the term outer darkness. Those who must suffer with Satan for the deeds done in mortality will go with him into outer darkness. I said: I dont know and he said, How can I find outI just called Spencer Kimball and he told me he didnt know either. 16:18). The wicked, or in this particular context, the sons of perdition who are filthy still after judgment and resurrection, are assigned to everlasting punishment (see 2 Ne. Even the most evil of people, including Adolph Hitler and those of his ilk, appear to have a place reserved for them in nothing less than the telestial kingdom. The phrases depths of hell, awful hell, sleep of hell, pains of hell, chains of hell, everlasting hell, and endless hell are all unique to the Book of Mormon. He called the Pharisees and scribes vipers and questioned, How can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matt. Divine Love in the Fathers Plan (Dallin H. Oaks, April 2022). Severe punishment for eternity, reserved for Satan and his demons as well as the sons of perdition, those humans who once embraced Mormonism and left to fight against the faith, even though they knew Mormonism was true. 22:13) that awaits the wicked? (Matt. These pains are similar to the state of suffering experienced by the ungodly who after mortality are assigned to hell. . The use of the term exterior darkness is in Jesus' parable of the wedding feast (also known as the parable of the marriage of the king's son). 9:1012, 1516). The LDS version of the King James Bible and the Book of Mormon help us to understand that the word black is actually a Hebrew idiom, meaning gloomy, dejected, or spiritual darkness, and has nothing to do with skin tone. Into the telestial kingdom will go, according to that which is written here in this revelation, the vicious, the unclean, the ungodly (Conference Reports, April 1942, p. 27). While Christianity affirms that many people who were created by God will perish in hell, Mormonism also espouses this . Those mortals who never join the LDS Church (through baptism) cannot become sons of perdition. Well thats wrapped up as long as no other prophets said oh. Some Christians have believed the lake of fire John spoke of to be a literal lake. Finally, John saw that death and hell delivered up the dead to be judged according to their works, and death and hell were cast into [a] lake of fire (Rev. 2. They will live in eternal darkness, torment, and misery with Satan and his angels forever. The Book of Mormon clarifies that the lake of fire and brimstone is a metaphor for the suffering of the wicked. This is a place very close in nature to the biblical hell. The phrase first occurs in Jesus' comment concerning the faith of the Centurion of Capernaum: And I say to thee that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven: But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Lord said no man knoweth So, theres probably a good reason that there is some debate and confusion on it. Smith said this will be practically indescribable: The extent of this punishment none will ever know except those who partake of it. Concerning the first resurrection John observed: Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years (Rev. 3. Thank you! Again Mormons think this is a very hard place to get into. He once said that a person. . So, in the Mormon view, none of these so-called polygamist marriages are valid, religiously or legally. Also, you can read this too. 4:32; 3 Ne. kingdoms of glory. In this state of torment Alma remembered his fathers teachings about Jesus Christ and his redemptive mission. At the same time, prophets and apostles have taught that you can be sent to outer darkness for simply disbelieving or for apostasy or for being a part of a religion that doesn't have apostles. Dennis L. Largey was an associate professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University when this was published. Thus, by the definition given by the leaders cited above, these people cannot be considered sons of perdition. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is impossible for those who never joined Mormonism to become sons of perdition. The third use occurs in the parable of the talents: "And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 25:30). Mormons believe that there Prophets are fallible and in no way perfect. This extreme punishment will not be given to any but the sons of perdition (Doctrines of Salvation 2:220). One example would not be human since they were cast out of heaven with Satan before they could receive a body. Jesus marvelled at the faith of a centurion he met in Capernaum and proclaimed that many would come from the east and west, and [would] sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. Those who have never received the light are not to become Sons of Perdition. The Book of Mormon does not teach the doctrinal truth that hell will end for the majority of those who suffer in the spirit prison prior to being resurrected and entering the telestial kingdom; however, this truth is clearly taught in the Doctrine and Covenants (see D&C 76:3638, 106). Plagiarism and The Globe a comparative analysis, The Shunning Key by bwv549 - Mormon Bandwagon, https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/sons-of-perdition, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_perdition_(Mormonism), https://www.fairmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/What_is_Mormon_Doctrine.pdf, https://www.fairmormon.org/answers/Plan_of_salvation/Sons_of_Perdition/Can_women_be_%22Sons_of_Perdition%22, LDS Church and Same Sex Marriage Timeline, The Pump LDS film and the original source, Ethan Smith, Hyrum Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Solomon Spaulding connections. Hell is a place prepared for the devil and his angels, D&C 29:37-38. 67, LDS Church Archives. it could be a reference for the resurrected who gain inheritance on other worlds but without the fulness of Doctrine and Covenants / Pearl of Great Price, Mormon Objections to Christian Evangelism, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, Why Practically NobodyIncluding You, Former MormonWill Ever End up In Outer Darkness, Divine Love in the Fathers Plan (Dallin H. Oaks, April 2022). A person would have to be very wicked to know the church was true yet still fight against it! Horror Short Film "Outer Darkness" | ALTER | Online Premiere 31,262 views Mar 31, 2022 Subscribe to ALTER on YouTube: https://goo.gl/LnXRC3 .more .more 1K Dislike Share Save Description. . Jacob taught that the lake of fire is not a literal fire but a figurative representation of torment: And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal word, which cannot pass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still; wherefore, they who are filthy are the devil and his angels; and they shall go away into everlasting fire, prepared for them; and their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no end (2 Ne. In this parable, a king arranged a wedding for his son, but the normal guests did not come; therefore, the king sent his servants to gather guests from off the street. Possibly but there is no citation there either. Other sources used in composing this topic: http://en.fairmormon.org/Plan_of_salvation/Sons_of_Perdition/Can_women_be_%22Sons_of_Perdition%22, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_darkness#Usage_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement, http://en.fairmormon.org/Plan_of_salvation/Sons_of_Perdition/Eventual_fate, http://emp.byui.edu/satterfieldb/quotes/Sons%20of%20Perdition.htm. Add an RSC shortcut to this device's Homescreen, In the menu, scroll past any icons and tap. Through his Atonement, Resurrection, and ministry in the spirit world, Christ provided a bridge by which repentant souls could cross the gulf from hell to spiritual freedom. They go too far, and the Spirit leaves themYou cant renew them to repentancyou cannot save them. (Joseph Smith Jr., King Follett Discourse). But behold, the resurrection of Christ redeemeth mankind, yea, even all mankind, and bringeth them back into the presence of the Lord. 5:22), as were those who failed to cast away their sins (JSM 5:34; cf. The "authority" to marry a man to one wife is not the same as the "authority" to marry a man to more than one wife.
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