Srat' tebe v rot - To crap in your mouth. Compare with "dib" entry in list. Term refers primarily to white women who unlike women of other races have flat butts and no shape. It's what you call a black guy that stutters, In the South, some Blacks refer to all beverages as "Cold Drinks." ", They look fairly Asian and live in the snow. Based on the stereotype that Hispanics steal cars. Low-income housing quite often has no air conditioning. Also a 1920's main occupation, shoe shiners. Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. Polish word for Gypsy, used officially, but Gypsies prefer to be called Roma. "metal bastard", "metal trash" and "rubber headed eunich". For scottish or irish children - Mc (or Mac) for scottish/irish, nugget to represent that they are children. Refers to perverse Japanese sex fetish that involves a woman being the reciepent of several males ejaculation on her face. A pseudo-intellectual who believes they are are smart and americans are stupid. Used at the Battle of Valley Forge to describe the Black women who prepared the cannons. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon". Stayed behind for 500 years. The native bird of NZ and a popular fruit. In reference to the 1975 blacksploitation. Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Not so much an insult; Comical, roguish individual, prone to rowdy and unruly behaviour, (drunkenness). However, in any city in America, African Americans can be found in the worst parts (or arm pits) of that city. ", Malu is actually short for "Maliali" which is spelled Malayalee. Origin Unknown, Afri(can), Mexi(can), Etc. is rat bastard a slur. Refers to circumcision and consumerism (never pay retail). "Mojo" derives from "mojado" meaning "wet" i.e. White Women. Filipino's attempting to act black. You dirty bastard! Nigerian word for White people. "Bazi" is a Bavarian/Southern German term for a loveable crook. Yiddish (German origin) word for Black. Refers to Levar Burton of "Reading Rainbow" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation" fame. Used in the movies Apocalypse Now and Platoon to refer to the North Vietnamese. A bastardization of Achnad, a common Arab name. Teenage Asian kids, that are fresh from Hong Kong. Some Natives are commonly prone to 'huffing' gas out of a plastic bag. Also BBCD - British Born Confused Desi. Filipino slang for Americans. Used in situations when saying the word "Nigger" would be inappropriate. Apparently the British use "dago" to describe Spaniards as opposed to Italians. Comparison to the blackened smokestacks of the manufacturing plants. A large number of Native Americans, particularly those living in northwest Canada/Alaska, are said to be addicted to inhalants. Paskelbta 2022-06-04 Autorius how to make ricotta cheese from uht milk Coined from the famous Peter Olejnik Hatred fund, Used by Americans in 1992-1993 when in Somalia. Was first used by Louis Prima who was famous for bastardizing the Italian language in his witty songs for his American audience. Or could also refer to the sound of someone working on a railroad, which Chinese immigrants helped build in 1800's America. Combination if Tee-pee living and tom-tom usage. a mix of Bosnian and chefur used derogatory in Slovenia, typically hard uneducated workers from Bosnia and Hercegovina. Used by Ukrainians, because of the arrogance of the Moscow citizens. It means "small balls" in Spanish. Was soon adopted for use in the Vietnam War. They used to dig interconnected series of tunnels through which they would live. (Rude and derogatory.) Or as it's sometimes known: Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. British are said to drink a good deal of tea. Implies that the addresser is accusing the addressee of self-gratification. Almost every Armenian resteraunt serves kabobs. Used by Russian metal band Korrozia Metalla on the song (title translates to) "Kill The Sunarefa." In Star Wars Episode 1, the computer-generated character Jar Jar Binks was filled with stereotypical black behavior. Innocent human beings were tortured, burne. Archaic synonym for "Scottish." Reference to one of the cast members of "In the Heat of the Night. Thais, living in Thailand, refer to the Indians (who have been in Thailand for at least 200 years, I think) as Kaeks, which means "guest" in Thai. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Black people are stereotypically partial to the red Koolaid. Kunta Kinte's daughter from the movie Roots. Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. Literally means "Elephant Driver" but was turned into a popular racial slur around 1997 when a lot of Indains began to move onto Long Island. Spanish word meaning monkey. Originates from Chicano slang. ", Black Brazilians. (Which is true, owing largely to their being immortal but lacking an afterlife.) "I'm gonna go down to 7-11 tomorrow morning, to pick up a four-footer." Heard throughout Ireland, extremely derogatory word for blacks, who have an increasing number in the Irish population. This is how Bulgarians pronounce the word "Absurd". Blacks sit out in the yard to keep cool. Tall asians. houston methodist willowbrook cafeteria menu; disadvantages of minimally invasive heart surgery; terry kilburn edmonton. "Holy. ", Tefers to white people smelling like dogs when they get wet, Whites are known by many to carry and host lice in their hair when they dont keep it clean. Re: Fantasy Slurs and Stereotypes. Mentally lacking, blonde haired, white women. Japanese women who only date non-Japanese. Police-type term referring to blacks driving through white neighborhoods. We think the likely answer to this clue is ELIDE. Still observed in heavily-Catholic areas (they even have school/church fish-fry Fridays). Mainly used by the "Nyoongar" Aboriginal people of south-west Australia. Simply a descriptive word used from native to native. Slang term for country-farmer-type whites (or all whites in general). Used by Jamaicans towards white Americans. In reference to how Japan and China treat their people/army. U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has said it is . Tommy Atkins was a fictional soldier used to represent all British soldiers for morale purposes during WWI. Heard in Monty Python's "Life of Brian. Translates roughly to "struggle". Rhyming slang, Sceptic Tank = Yank. Lithuanian Jews. Suggests that all Italians are in the mob, In addressing a fellow Italian, but condescending when used by non-Italians, Basically the idea of a WOP but in a more easily said slur. Not that common anymore. The mangosteen is a fruit that grows in the East Indies and is black on the outside but white on the inside. British), often preceded by "chow" (stinky) or "si" (goddamned). This of course, would include manga and anime. One of the two black characters on the show South Park is named Token. Generally non-derogatory, though depends on context and intention of speaker. Comes from the Taco Bell food. A term used to refer to Mexican gangsters. DJ turntable scratching noise, often heard in rap music. Rosbif has been a reference used by the French for the British for hundreds of years - long before tourist holidays. Flemish for "cheese". The association with the city and asian people in general has stuck. See Carlton or Zebra. Laredo Used to describe gang bangers. Rumors of inbreeding in the Appalachians. Many Albanians seem to have a square head, Stands for American Ignorance as well as Artificial Intelligence-in other wordsAmericans are stupid and ignorant. Hawaiians eat a lot of poi (taro root) and are fat. Whites used to pat black people on top of thier head for good luck. Can't even speak English." Used by Hispanic-Americans. Since their skin was red they started saying "red skins.". Combination of "Palestinian" with "simian", i.e. The bottom half would be tanned dark, while the top half remained pale because it was shaded by the brim. This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. Comes from the word Petrolio or Petrolium in Spanish. Referenced by Groudskeeper Willy on the Simpsons, Comes from the French surrendering (whiteflagging) many wars. Means "hero" in Gaelic. Pronounced "ko-goot", derogatory term Russians use to call Ukrainians. This actually means "Czech" in the Czech language. Released from the Bastard Labs, into the Solana sewage systems: Genetically mutated . The context of the panel's opinion was limited to that specific case. Asian derogatory term for American whites. Could be used for any non-caucasian race, Original Blue Gums. Also just Dunecoon, How English-speakers hear their language(s). Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). An insult to describe stuck up holier-than-thou white folk (oftentimes rich). Refers to alcoholism in Native Americans. ', Hispanics/Black mix. Comes from the African word for "person". They are called priggers because they resemble America's Black population, living in ghettos of poverty and violence with the highest crime rate in Canada. "Krisnera zhazh tan vred" Let the rats ejaculate on you. Refers to the "bindi" (dot) on their foreheads. Short for "Anglophone" and used in Quebec, especially for Anglophones in Quebec province itself. Educated blacks. Used towards Estonians or Finnish, because of their strange language, i suppose. Derived from the shacks they lived in -- the shanty. Every purchase you make puts money in an artist's pocket. romantic restaurants in hollywood fl. Many popular dictionariesincluding Merriam-Webster, the Collins English Dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary,, and WordReference.cominclude speciesist slurs in their definitions of "dog," "pig," "rat," and "snake," and they need to remove them or label them as such.Definitions like these fuel speciesism a belief that humans are superior to all other . of Mexico. Canadian Born Chinese. Latest commit b26ad5f on Mar 27, 2018 History. n. a really wretched or despised person. Could be combination of Moolie and hooligan. It was in the movie "Shaft." The Irish are commonly drunk on mead and mead-derived alcohols. Generally thought of the worst person ever. Paula Noonan: "The 'rat' metaphor has a long history. Tom was an Alaskan Innuit (Eskimo) who was called Pieface because his features made his "eyes look like an eskimo pie. Originated during the cold war. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". Believed that some Sicilians are part Black. Sioux Indians. In Russian jokes they do ask a lot of stupid questions, make silly remarks, and draw wrong conclusions. Usually in reference to males. Used by the British Army to make fun of the rag-tag American army in the revolutionary war. Mishweya for females. Meaning white on the outside and black on the inside. A fairly common Italian insult is stronzo, which corresponds to "asshole" in English. ", Used as reference to the flatter backsides of white people, and other non-blacks. Perhot' podzalupnaya - Pee hole dandruff (which makes me wonder how the dandruff got there in the first place!)
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