You can find advice on completing your application in: We recommend you start your application early. This question requires an answer. If the applicant is applying for a grant which has an interview assessment stage, they should inform EPSRC of any personal circumstances for EPSRC to consider. You should comment on how clearly this is described, how appropriate it is for the planned activities, and their scientific and technical feasibility. Site is running on IP address, host name ( United Kingdom ) ping response time 10ms Excellent ping . The UK is at the forefront of addressing global societal and economic challenges that have engineering and physical sciences at the heart, including climate change, cyber security and long-term sustainable growth. You will not be able to apply after this time. However applicants are not expected to work in isolation but will benefit from support from the university and the environment in which they will be working. If you need a transcript of the video on writing strong funding applications, email the web team: The new investigator award is for people who hold an academic lectureship position at UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations and NHS bodies, and have not previously led an academic research group or been the recipient of a significant grant. RESEARCH FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW INVESTIGATORS . CVs, not exceeding two A4 sides each, should be submitted as separate attachments using Attachment Type CV in Je-S, and are only required for named research staff or visiting researchers. The New Investigator Award scheme (which replaces the First Grant scheme) includes a number of changes from the previous scheme of which researchers who are considering applying should be aware.. However, they are not subject to the same eligibility restrictions as new . Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 November 2022: Ends: 30 April 2025: Value (): 391,062: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Energy Storage: Sustainable Energy Networks . This letter will only be seen by EPSRC and will not be sent to peer review. The applicant is not expected to predict the impact of their research in terms of value, reach or significance, and therefore assessors should not: Drawing upon what the applicant has said, reviewers should comment on: The extent to which each bullet point is addressed will depend on the nature of the research proposed. You will not be able to apply after this time until the opportunity reopens on the Funding Service in May 2023. Where the applicants have ticked any boxes confirming that the application involves either animal research or human participation, then you are asked to comment specifically on any ethical considerations and particularly on whether ethical approval procedures have been complied with. This is mainly assured by requiring that universities have in place and operate appropriate ethical approval processes. Find out more about the new investigator award expectationsincluding what we are looking for and the support expected from your host organisation. The work programme, maximum of one A4 side, should be illustrated with a simple diagrammatic work plan, such as a Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) or Gantt chart. Universities should pay particular attention to ensure that the new investigator is properly supported and mentored through their supervision of the student, and that adequate attention is paid to the training of both the student and the investigator. You will have a chance to provide a response to the assessment, which will be considered in the ranking of the proposal. We would expect this to form part of the university support letter. no. The purpose of the New Investigator Award (NIA) scheme is to address a gap that has been identified in the funding landscape and support researchers in their transition to an independent research career. The New Investigator Award scheme (which replaces the First Grant scheme) includes a number of changes from the previous scheme of which researchers who are considering applying should be aware.. We encourage you to contact us first to discuss your proposal if you believe your research may cross research council boundaries. The recently funded EPSRC New Investigator Award project, led by Dr. Wei Tan from Queen Mary's Mechanics of Composite Materials Group (MCM), will create an intelligent . Fast and efficient. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. This should report your own confidence, or otherwise, in being able to make your assessment rather than your confidence in the success of the application if it were funded. how competitive the proposed work is and how it compares to related international activity, whether the applicants show how their research fits with activities elsewhere in the world and whether they demonstrate awareness of the context and landscape within which they operate, to what extent the research will provide the UK with a unique capability, whether the applicant has presented the academic, industrial, policy, societal or other relevant context clearly. Stage one. Applicants who intend to submit an application to this funding opportunity should complete the following intention to submit by 7 December 2022. Research quality (excellence) will always be pre-eminent, and no application can be funded without clearly demonstrating this aspect. This will help applicants build an in-depth knowledge of our peer review processes and principles, helping you to further increase your knowledge of reviewing and proposal writing. National importance should also be a major consideration in making your assessment. Applicants who have previously applied for a New Investigator Award, successful or unsuccessful, but otherwise still satisfy the other New Investigator Award eligibility criteria are still eligible to apply to this funding opportunity. Find out more about the assessment process. The proposal, reviewers comments and your response will then go to a panel that will score it against our assessment criteria and rank it with other new investigator proposals. You should explicitly consider the amount of time being allocated to the project by the applicant in this assessment., Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system, preparing new proposals in light of EPSRCs policy on resubmissions, what makes a good project partner letter of support, how your experience and career history fit with the person eligibility guidance, Overview of information needed for your proposal, case for support totalling up to eight A4 sides, comprising up to two A4 sides for a track record, and six A4 sides describing proposed research and its context. Panels are organised by theme and meet at different times of the year. Arial narrow and Calibri are not allowable font types. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Councils (EPSRC) portfolio managers are happy to discuss applications before submission, particularly those with a complex management structure involving large consortia, or those crossing research themes. The following information takes an ESRC Standard Grant application as a template but the information is also applicable to other funders. Find out more about eligibility for new investigator awards. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. Post base: Office-based/Non Office-based (see job hazard analysis) Job purpose. These will be viewed against published applicant eligibility and project suitability guidance. The reviewer form asks reviewers to summarise their view of the application. You can apply for a new investigator award if you: You would be classed as having received a significant research grant if a project you led received: You may still apply if you hold or have held: Holders of postdoctoral level fellowships are not eligible to hold an EPSRC grant. EPSRC new investigator award. Dr Pierangelo Gobbo said: "Currently, the research field of bottom-up synthetic biology is trying to fill the gap between biology and chemistry to better understand . We will award 80% of the full economic costs of the project, and your organisation must agree to find the balance. Office of Research Development and Education (ORDE) in the . For further information please see preparing new proposals in light of EPSRCs policy on resubmissions. Where two or more applications have been formally linked to form a single research project, you are requested to submit a single review covering the project as a whole. Apply for funding to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas and to tackle the challenges faced by developing countries.. The scheme aims to support them in establishing a research group and developing their research vision. For multidisciplinary applications please state which aspects of the application you feel qualified to assess. Submissions to this funding opportunity will count towards the EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy. There are 2 parallel funding routes to this funding opportunity: The full economic cost of your project can be up to 200,000 with a duration of up to 2 years. Projects should be self-contained and have a single research vision with clearly defined objectives and outcomes. If your application is funded, some information from your application will be published through Grants on the Web (GoW), Gateway to Research (GtR) and Visualising our Portfolio (VOP). For the New Investigator Award the proposal cover letter should describe how your experience and career history fit with the person eligibility guidance. EPSRC therefore allows applicants to tailor the support that they request in order to facilitate this. This must be attached, as a single document, using the Case for Support attachment type in Je-S, justification of resources up to two A4 sides, CVs, up to two A4 sides each, for named research staff (including researcher co-investigators), or visiting researchers. Projects should be self-contained and comprise a single research vision with clearly defined objectives and outcomes. Dr Meghan Halse has been awarded 210,439 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to support research on "Lighting up Magnetic Resonance: SABRE optimisation powered by in situ detection". complements other UK research already funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio. Consequently, as part of our 2022 to 2025 delivery plan we will provide opportunities for our research and innovation base to connect with international leaders and facilitate joint working between the UK research community and their preferred global partners. If you plan to use a major facility in your research, such as those funded centrally by EPSRC or a European facility, contact the facility before applying to EPSRC to check if your proposed research is feasible, and obtain a technical assessment if Je-S marks it as required. meet the eligibility criteria of EPSRC New Investigator Award (NIA) scheme. Particularly with the increased pressures of COVID-19, EPSRC would like to stress to assessors that any cash or in kind support from the university for a grant is regarded as a benefit to building partnerships but is not expected to equate to cash or its equivalent (for example, provision of studentships, secondments, training and access to equipment). Early career researcher collaborations for global development. If youre applying through the New Investigator Award scheme, you should attach a statement from your host university, typically your head of department describe the universitys commitment to your research career development, and confirm your appointment details and period of probation if relevant. If not, is there a clear and realistic plan to target potential beneficiaries of the outputs and outcomes? EPSRC acknowledges that it is a challenge for applicants to determine the future impacts of COVID-19 while the pandemic continues to evolve. EPSRC New Investigator Awards: Open to eligible researchers in any research area at any . The weighting between the remaining aspects will depend on the specific nature of the particular application. seek to assess tangibility of deliverables, direct return on investment or detailed routes to exploitation impact is not synonymous with early exploitation. Normally you might expect to see a plausible hypothesis with some basis within the published literature, and some clearly identified objectives that sensibly test that hypothesis. Where reference has been made to a period of flexible working or a career break, you should recognise that this is likely to affect productivity and career development, for example publication record, track record of securing funding, or the ability to build networks or to take up opportunities in a different geographical location. Summary. Closing date 24 March 2023. Clinical applicants must be employed or be on a fixed-term contract longer than the proposed project at an NHS trust, hospital, board, primary care trust or general practice. EPSRC does not accept uninvited resubmissions of applications to help reduce the pressure on everyone involved in our peer review process. This funding opportunity is only open to early career researchers who meet the eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme. Select 'call search'. Although the majority of the application should lie within EPSRC remit, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborations with international partners are welcomed. Advice on writing proposals for EPSRC funding. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. F.D.G. For example, controlled sequences of cells in droplets with varied volumes is desirable in multi-volume droplet digital polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) for accurate detection of genetic information in cells. NIA provide foundational funds to initiate a research group. To solve these worldwide issues, the UK becomes the first major economy to pass the net-zero emissions law. (for example, shipping ports) or where clusters are connected across several sites (for example, as a result of their supply chain or other activity . EPSRC recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities and is committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career such as breaks and delays, disruptive working patterns and conditions, the loss of ongoing work, and role changes that may have been caused by the pandemic. Information on the portfolio is available through EPSRCs Grants on the Web (GoW). It is important that researchers and their research teams are able to work flexibly and in a way that meets their personal circumstances. Acceptance to the New Investigator Award scheme is judged by EPSRC before the application is sent to expert peer review and is made on the basis of the content of the cover letter and the level of resources requested in the application. To undertake research on an EPSRC funded project targeting the integration of electronic and silicon photonic components. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Finally the presentation will ask how organisations such as FIG and ISPRS can play a part in these developments. Planning for activities that maximise the likelihood of any identified impacts occurring is a vital part of research. EPSRC may reject applications that do not meet attachment format requirements. You can look for examples of funded projects by searching for new investigator in our online portfolio. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. Three written quotations are required for single items of equipment costing more than 138,000 and must accompany the proposal. EPSRC New Investigator Award for Dr Meghan Halse. The aim of the scheme is to support them in establishing a research group and developing their own research vision. EP/S036490/1). No closing dates apply to the scheme. Professor Chris Freeman is a Professor at the University of Southampton also acknowledges funding via the . whether the proposal contains a clear vision, addresses a specific challenge or makes a step change in its field, the progress this programme will deliver beyond current state of the art, the intended outputs of the programme, for example, new ideas, tools, techniques, discoveries, and whether these are ambitious but realistic. Where known impacts have occurred, these should have been highlighted in the application, including the assumptions and information at the point of submission. The decision of which scheme to apply for is for individuals to make in consultation with their research offices. Requests for resources should be clearly articulated in the justification of resources section of the grant application. Position type Full time, fixed term. This must be attached, as a single document, using the Case for Support attachment type in the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system. joint research activities: scoping, feasibility, or proof of concept studies, programmes of exchange visits or staff secondments, up to 4,000,000 for this open funding route, up to 1,000,000 for the international development funding route, resources to enable different approaches to building and sustaining collaborations, which reduce the need to travel, proof of concept research activities for UK researchers exploring new international partnerships, principal investigator contact information, international partner name and organisation, if you will be applying for the open or international development funding route of this funding opportunity, description of research activities that will be undertaken, research disciplines you are associated with. To help us with data analysis, do not include the words COV-19, COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the lay summary, technical summary or title sections unless your application relates to proposed research in this area. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. The research excellence of the proposal, making reference to: The ability to deliver the proposed project, making reference to: The effectiveness of the proposed planning and management and whether the requested resources are appropriate and have been fully justified, making reference to: Feedback will not be provided following the prioritisation panel meeting. The introducers will assess the proposals and can request additional information from you under all or some of the funding opportunity criteria. Applicants are required to identify all resources required to successfully accelerate the creation of impact, and to clearly explain the need for these in the justification of resources. Where candidates are unclear on their eligibility for a particular scheme after consulting the guidance, frequently asked questions, and their research office, then they can contact EPSRC for advice. Creating a Full Proposal and Electronic Submission. Elegance of presentation is not, of itself, an assessment criterion for an EPSRC grant. Reviewers are requested to comment on the effectiveness of the proposed planning and management making reference to equipment and resources as follows: You should draw attention to any request that in your view has not been justified or, conversely, if something is required but has not been identified. Epsrc New Investigator Award Cover Letter. Other issues you might also comment on are the uniqueness (or otherwise) of the collaboration, the value of the contribution of the component you can judge, and the significance of this in terms of future potential development in your own field. EPSRC will not support overheads, salary or research activity costs for overseas researchers during times that they are not working in the UK. The application to the New Investigator Award scheme must be the applicants first to EPSRC as a Principal Investigator with the following exceptions:-Industrial CASE Studentship-Overseas Travel Grant . Proposals may build directly on prior work or may involve a speculative leap forward. Overseas partners at universities, public sector research organisations or publicly funded research EPSRC . Include EPSRC ECR International Collaboration Grant open in the subject line. 2021. Information provided as part of the intention to submit will not formally assessed. Complete the intention to submit form on Smart Survey. University support should not necessarily involve covering part of the cost of the grant but could include: provision of dedicated laboratory space (or equivalent); provision of materials, equipment or facility access; mentoring and professional guidance.
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